Tell the European Parliament to vote against conditional access to the Internet!

Remind them that they need your vote in June and that the Internet still give us the tools to be watching and judging what they are doing!

You must know you are not alone: hundreds of organizations are working on that and thousands of people have already contacted their parliamentarians about that.

So, act now:

1 – Email, write to or phone your MEP – follow this link to get their details – a suggested template letter is attached.  You can also use the following software that send the letter directly to all the parliamentarians. Believe, they really receive it and they really feel the presure.  You are welcome to personalise the letter and include information that will make MEPs sit up, take note and take appropriate action.

2 – Forward this email to everyone you know so that they can take action.

3 – Syndicate this page so that you keep been informed: disinformation is what they count on, we must be aware.


Here are the Citizens rights documents:


We want to be citizens on the Internet, not just customers or consumers.