This is suggested letter / email to send to your MEP.
Personalise this email to include your own Internet use in your personal and business life. Change the sentence in red to personalise the email and tell the MEP how you individually use the Internet or just take it off.

Dear [MEP]
I’d like to draw your attention to the Telecoms Package which I believe will be voted on by the European Parliament committees at the end of March and again on 21 April by all MEPs.

I have serious concerns that the changes that the European Parliament is proposing will adversely affect business in the European Union.
I understand that the European Parliament is proposing to include changes to the law which will affect my access to the Internet, and which may limit, restrict or place conditions on my ability to access websites and services.

I use the Internet every to work, shop, socialise, bank, research, listen to music, enjoy cultural activities, talk to friends and family, order tickets, choose my holidays, pursue my interests and hobbies…and much more.

The changes in the law that the European Parliament is proposing will permit my broadband provider to offer me a limited, restricted or conditional service. My concern is that such changes will kill the life of the Internet as we know it, and could have serious, detrimental economic impact on Europe’s economy.

I am writing to ask you, as my representative in the European Parliament, to vote to protect our right to trade and do business using the Internet.

As we live in a democratic society, we need to openly debate these issues and establish the principles for the Internet as society.

Please support amendments which safeguard my rights to access and distribute content, services and applications and reject any text which talks about ‘lawful content’ or about placing limitations, restrictions or conditions on my Internet access. In particular, I would like you to guarantee my rights to freely use the Internet, and ensure that all websites and services are accessible to all users.

Yours sincerely ,